Moving Forward After The Floods Mayor Ramon Jayo Offers Words Of Support

As recovery works are continuing, I would just like to assure residents that assistance is still available and is only a phone call away. Flood damaged goods kerbside collection is continuing and it is pleasing to see that our roads and streets have in the main been cleared of most damaged material. Thank you to MAMs and all contractors and personnel involved in achieving such a good result in a very quick time frame. Flood damaged goods kerbside collection is continuing in the wider areas at t

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Random Acts Of Kindness

Monday last week marked Random Acts of Kindness Day, a time to celebrate generosity and compassion. One heartfelt gesture in Ingham this week has reminded us all of the power of kindness during difficult times. While visiting the flood-affected region, Carey Group People and Culture Lead, Kristian, made a generous personal donation that had a ripple effect of goodwill. His contribution touched Marina, the owner of the Majestic Café, who used the funds to provide breakfast for approximately 50 S

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Wilmar Employees Back At Work

Most of Wilmar Sugar and Renewables 500 Herbert employees are now back at work, after two weeks of disruption from the major flood event. General Manager Operations Mike McLeod visited Wilmar’s Victoria and Macknade mills last week to check on employees and get a firsthand briefing on the flood damage. He also met with workers at Wilmar’s Herbert Centralised Workshop in Lannercost Street. Mr McLeod’s visit took place a day after the bulk of Wilmar’s Herbert workforce was finally able to retu

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Standing up Against New Marine Safety & Lifejacket Laws

New lifejacket laws have come into effect that all boat users must be aware of. The changes include stricter rules on when lifejackets must be worn as well as the phasing out of older Personal Floatation Devices (PFDs) that do not meet modern Australian Standards. While safety on the water is paramount, many North Queenslanders consider the new laws to be impractical as they fail to consider the realities of local boating conditions. The laws came into effect on December 1, 2024, however there

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Ingham Wildlife Warrior

Local Paul Coppo lives two different lives. In Ingham, he is a cane farmer, and he enjoys the work, but his other life takes him to southern Africa.

In Africa, Paul helps and assists anti-poacher rangers. The rangers he helps are highly skilled, and before Paul assists them with upskilling, they go through a demanding selection course
and intensive training.

Anti-poacher rangers are funded internationally and are special rangers with skills that help
protect endangered species from poachers who wish to harm animals.

Paul trains rangers by teaching them additional skills like Close-Quarter Fighting (CQF),
survival skills, interrogation tactics, and evidence gathering. Paul also noted that 90 per cent
of the Rangers could not swim, so he developed a Water Confidence and Survivability

“In a morning, I take them from not swimming to being able to duck dive and survive,”
added Paul.

“We don't turn them into Olympic swimmers, but we give them survival skills, and I am very proud of that, because, to my knowledge, I'm the only person in Africa doing that.

“I go in and try to upskill those people to make them more effective at their job. I want to say that the Rangers are always super motivated, incredibly fit, intelligent, very effective at what they do, and they relish the opportunity to learn.”

Paul doesn’t just train rangers; he also does operations, which involves entering the field, and Paul loves it.

“I enjoy working with the Rangers as individuals. I have established relationships with quite
a few of them, whom I call my brothers; we are very close,” said Paul.

“I love being out in their bush, and it is very demanding physically; on a standard day, you
will do two patrols, averaging about 16 to 25 kilometres a day.

“What I like about it is the rangers and management appreciate every bit of assistance.”

His contributions and skills have seen him recognised as a Game Ranger and Tracker Trainer Specialist.

Paul thoroughly enjoys assisting in training in Africa and said he likes using his unique skill
set to help the anti-poaching rangers become more effective at their jobs.

He sees himself as a wildlife conservationist and says, “I believe I am making a difference for people and animals, which effectively helps humanity. The world becomes a poorer place when you lose a species.

Photos supplied


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