Moving Forward After The Floods Mayor Ramon Jayo Offers Words Of Support

As recovery works are continuing, I would just like to assure residents that assistance is still available and is only a phone call away. Flood damaged goods kerbside collection is continuing and it is pleasing to see that our roads and streets have in the main been cleared of most damaged material. Thank you to MAMs and all contractors and personnel involved in achieving such a good result in a very quick time frame. Flood damaged goods kerbside collection is continuing in the wider areas at t

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Random Acts Of Kindness

Monday last week marked Random Acts of Kindness Day, a time to celebrate generosity and compassion. One heartfelt gesture in Ingham this week has reminded us all of the power of kindness during difficult times. While visiting the flood-affected region, Carey Group People and Culture Lead, Kristian, made a generous personal donation that had a ripple effect of goodwill. His contribution touched Marina, the owner of the Majestic Café, who used the funds to provide breakfast for approximately 50 S

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Wilmar Employees Back At Work

Most of Wilmar Sugar and Renewables 500 Herbert employees are now back at work, after two weeks of disruption from the major flood event. General Manager Operations Mike McLeod visited Wilmar’s Victoria and Macknade mills last week to check on employees and get a firsthand briefing on the flood damage. He also met with workers at Wilmar’s Herbert Centralised Workshop in Lannercost Street. Mr McLeod’s visit took place a day after the bulk of Wilmar’s Herbert workforce was finally able to retu

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Standing up Against New Marine Safety & Lifejacket Laws

New lifejacket laws have come into effect that all boat users must be aware of. The changes include stricter rules on when lifejackets must be worn as well as the phasing out of older Personal Floatation Devices (PFDs) that do not meet modern Australian Standards. While safety on the water is paramount, many North Queenslanders consider the new laws to be impractical as they fail to consider the realities of local boating conditions. The laws came into effect on December 1, 2024, however there

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Moving Forward After The Floods Mayor Ramon Jayo Offers Words Of Support

As recovery works are continuing, I would just like to assure residents that assistance is still available and is only a phone call away.

Flood damaged goods kerbside collection is continuing and it is pleasing to see that our roads and streets have in the main been cleared of most damaged material. Thank you to MAMs and all contractors and personnel involved in achieving such a good result in a very quick time frame. Flood damaged goods kerbside collection is continuing in the wider areas at the moment and if you have any concerns, or think you may have been missed, please contact Council as soon as possible. Regular wheelie bin collection services are now functioning as per normal. If you have lost any wheelie bins, please call Council to arrange a replacement straightaway.

The Community Recovery Hub is continuing to operate out of the TAFE building to assist you with personal and financial matters and the wonderful people from the Department of Communities are continuing to run pop up centres in the smaller communities as needed. The pop ups will shortly be discontinued, but the main hub in Ingham will continue to provide all assistance required. Information on opening hours and locations may be obtained by visiting Council’s website January 2025 Flood Event Information page  Thanks to the wonderful SES personnel, a further Community Outreach activity was carried out through our worst flood affected areas late last week.

In total, 755 residences were surveyed, with 375 residents completing the survey with the SES volunteers and 374 residents not home.  However, Community Recovery Information Sheets and support service numbers were left with in mailboxes for the resident’s attention for when they return home. If you were not home at this time and if you require further information or assistance, you may ring Council on 4776 4600 or even contact the SES direct on 132 500.

Funding to assist sporting and community organisations in continuing clean-up operations has also been made available above the Grant funding recently advised and Council has written directly to all organisations registered with Council requesting details of possible assistance required. Please let Council know prior to 28 February 2025 so that relevant arrangements can be made.

Reports received indicate that all electricity, Telstra and NBN facilities have been restored and working as normal. If that is not the case and you continue to experience difficulty, then we need to know so that we can look into the issue with the relevant providers and get the problem fixed for you.

The Rural Fire Service and SES remain willing and able to assist in house clean ups if required. You can arrange an appointment by contacting SES direct on 132 500.

I reiterate that assistance in various forms to help you recover from this event remains available and that many amazing people from many different State and Federal Agencies are still about and ready to activate if required. This assistance, in most cases, is only a phone call away.

Contributed with thanks to Mayor Ramon Jayo.

Mayor Ramon Jayo meets with QLD State Disaster Recovery Coordinator Andrew Cripps to discuss betterment projects and future flood-proofing efforts for the region. Photo sourced: Facebook
Out on the road: Mayor Ramon Jayo takes Andrew Cripps for a tour of impacted areas.Photo sourced: Facebook


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